Today was ridiculously cram packed, but I didn't have a dull moment so I guess I can't complain! After class, I picked up my puppy from the Groomer and received the worst customer service I've ever witnessed in real life. It made me cry and I called my friend on the drive home because, well...friends make things better. She did by confirming my own opinion of the situation and the rudeness of the business owners I was dealing with about my puppy. Once I arrived home, I brought puppy inside and did what I needed to before heading out for work. Out of the blue, I decided to check the mail since I was right by the mailbox anyway. This is usually my husband's job, but if I'm home in the middle of the day, I like to check for fun mail and leave the rest's something entertaining for me because it's harmless sneakiness and even though it's MY mailbox, too....I feel like I'm getting away with something. ;) He doesn't know that I do this and picking out fun mail is the best part of getting the mail anyway!
Sooooo, I was on my way to work, checked for fun mail and WOO HOO!!! A card for ME! I opened it up and read the kindest words from a friend about our relationship and how much she loves me and all the things she wishes for my life. I see her once every couple years and our conversations consist of maybe a couple phone calls per year and the exchange of facebook comments. Over time, our relationship has grown and every time we're together again, it's like we were never apart...still 18, working together and enjoying our lives together.
My mood had already been lifted by a phone call and the card was icing on the cake. The rest of my afternoon was laughs and goofiness with two amazing girls that I nanny for.
After work, I came home and went straight to my office to do homework. Yeah, that's right. Straight. to. my. office. I left my phone on silent, resisted the urge to check facebook, put off reading my favorite blog or writing my blog and actually did a boatload of homework in less than 3 hours. Somewhere in there my husband came home and offered to take over dinner so I could stay focused. I managed, in that small window of time, to fit in dinner on the couch with a short TV break (King of Queens, anyone?!) and a short conversation with hubby. Then, back to the office and ladies and gentleman...the homework is finished and it's not even 8pm!
I haven't slept a wink all week and I'm very excited about laying my pretty little head on my favorite (seriously amazing) pillow in less than an hour!
With a crappy middle in my day, the rest could have been a lot less than it was. But, the encouragement and love from my friends changed things around and showed me full circle the effects of having great relationships, investing in those relationships, and never giving up on those relationships...regardless of the circumstances.
Have you hugged your friends today? Do they know how much you love them?
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