Tuesday, April 26, 2011

hoooold myyyyy hand....

Yesterday, as I was walking my dog to the back door to let her outside, I thought of something.  "I know she's not gonna stay out there."  Something was in my hand and my plan was to let J out the back door, walk to the sink to take care of my dish, and then let her back in when she was finished.  Here's the problem...if the weather isn't completely perfect outside (so...like 362 days out of the year...) J will run out the door, I will close it, and she will immediately freak out and scratch like crazy so that I will let her back in.  Sometimes I do...other times, I make her "go potty" first.  Usually this means cracking the door open and coaxing her farther away from it until she gets the message... (J walks towards steps on deck..."Good girl!  Go potty!"....J walks towards door, "noooo....GOPOTTY!"....J walks towards steps...GOOD GIRL!!!  Go Potty, J!"...and the cycle continues until one of us wins).

In watching all of this unfold yesterday, I realized that I do this sometimes.  No, I don't potty outside...but I want someone to go with me.  Even if I'm doing a task I do all the time (multiple times a day....everyday...), I prefer to have a friend with me.  Like, eating lunch.  I hate eating lunch alone.  Sooome days it's nice and serene, but most days, I avoid it.  While I can't avoid lunch (I love eating...random fact about me #867),  I will pack my day full enough that I'm eating in my car if I don't have plans to have lunch with a friend.

Maybe it's from growing up in a house with eight people and two dogs that gives me this...anxiety.  Maybe I'm just weird.  (I'm probably just weird), but, like my dog seems to think...the everyday, mundane is just better with company.

I decided today that if I had a person who was with me everywhere I go, and doing with me everything that I do (minus the whole bathroom/shower/personal stuff thing), I would be one happy camper.  One day, I may enjoy alone time (hello mommyhood), but for now...I could use a friend almost all the time.

Not that I don't have friends!  I have AMAZING friends.  They just have lives (imagine that).  And I'm not sad all the time...I enjoy my life...I just thought today that I need a twin attached at the hip!  Or...maybe just a three-year-old?

What do you enjoy doing alone?
What do you prefer to do with a friend?
What is something random about you?

And just in case the song (or single line) is in your head...here ya go. :)


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