This is what I have been doing for the last several days...and the last several hours. It's taking over my life. No sleep, no hubb-o time, my friend's possibly think I'm dead. Okay, maybe not that last one so much, but probably close...sort of.
The RRWRR technique (see title) is my version of the study method I learned in my psychology class last semester. It was the 4 R method, I think? Only...I don't remember it and it didn't really work for me. SO, in prep for finals, I created my own method of studying and I'm actually retaining more than I have all semester...imagine that! Yay for new ideas before next year!
I've been MIA for ahwile so here's a new list to take a look at!
Thing's I've thought about lately:
I'm starving!
I'm tired!
Okay for real....
*Summer school
(get it summer school is over rated?! HA! I warned you about the sleep deprivation, remember?
*School year closing, chapters closing (and opening)
*New chapters part B, I'm done with facebook
On Summer School:
I've decided to take the summer off. My semester has been crazy and full of too much stress. I'm pretty sure that if I keep taking classes into summer I just might konk out early and be too scared to start a new semester in August. Seriously. No thank you. Perseverance! It's all about pace. Like running a mile. Start out decent, stay decent, pick up the pace, runasfastasyoucanthelast100meters. DONE! I kinda started out too fast, I I'm slowing down a little to regain my umph. Watch out cheetahs up front...I'm coming back!
On chapters closing (and then opening yet another):
The end of this school year feels like the end of a calendar year. My every move these days is so purpose driven that this shift in schedule and routine seems only natural to precede a shift in goals and choices. Multiple parts of my life are coming to a close, it only makes sense for me to open up new ideas and possibilities. (I know I just pretty much said the same thing twice....bear with me...). I'm working on a new plan for next year's routine...AKA more study time, less "busy/procrastinating/avoiding my textbook time. I'm also evaluating my coursework and the end goal of my degree. Is my goal just to teach? Or to teach something specific? Am I just getting a degree? Or am I still interested in actually learning new things?! (Sometimes it's easy to forget that part) I'm looking at a plan for my degree aside from just getting a job. And I'm looking at what my family may look like some day and what choices I can make now to positively effect the future! Living in the moment can be relaxing but also consuming. Remember the fishbowl? I'm done with those moments!
And on being done....with facebook:
I logged in one day and felt like I walked into a huge party that everyone always attends, is always invited to and spend their time talking at different people without engaging in conversation. Think about it. Walking into a big event and seeing people randomly shout out their most recent thought, conversation, or experience. They aren't talking to anyone, just talking out loud. It's like open mic night with 1000 microphones and 1000 stages. Where's the connection? Where is the value in the time spent in such a place? For me, it just isn't there. I realized that a lot of my social security was wrapped in a fake "party" that I was attending without actually connecting with anyone. My time on facebook was sucking up my time for my friends (in real life), my husband, my schoolwork, my DRIVING! Um..hi...ridiculous. Really?! This is what we do everyday? Bleeehhhhhh. I made a big decision that I've contemplated for a year and never felt confident enough to follow through with. Isn't that crazy?! "If I delete facebook, I might lose my friends." Hmm..what is a friend, again? I texted one of them who asked about my missing profile. My words included the following: "Time to grow up. Year one of college is almost done and I'm movin on. I don't need to touch base with 200 random people five times a day. And if people wanna stalk me, or know what I'm doing or thinking...they gon hafta find me first!" And I truly feel that way. Those in my life who are genuinely involved in my life won't need facebook to stay that way. And I don't either. I prefer real conversations over lunch and real life encounters at real parties. :) I'm not judging anyone else who is on facebook (aka...everyone else in the world), because we all make our own choices for our own reasons and I don't know a single one of anybody's else's reasons! I just know what I need to do for myself to better my own quality of life. E-noise is not something that produces quality living for me anymore. Buh-Bye.
I love that I'm still young enough to be excited about this! My birthday is Sunday. Whoo! Twenty-seven. Twenty.....SEVEN! Really?! Really? Well okay then, let's do it! I've always wanted to be 30-something...(which I think I've mentioned?)...but I've tried not to rush getting there. Embracing life in your 20s is hard when you commit to a life of change and growth! But I'm doing the best I can and I'm looking forward to what I will learn this next year! As for celebrations, I'm visiting the BIFF this weekend and spending Friday to Monday with her! Whoooooo! OOOH! Since BIFF weekend means that I will be out of town on my actual birthday, festivities begin TONIGHT! Birthday dinner with the hubb-o to take place immediately following the working hours. Upon arrival back into the state, a celebration dinner (or lunch) is in the works for friends in the area sometime next weekend. Yaay birthdays and friend time and funness. :D
Time to get back to the books.!
I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.....
What is happening in your life right now that's exciting?
When is YOUR birthday and what are you doing about it?
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