Thursday, April 7, 2011

remember the whole 'random' thing...?

1. Dinner was a flop.  How do you ruin spaghetti?  I don't know....but I did it.  I'm blaming the rain.  Of course it's's April, that's what April does.  It rains.

2. I want to write a book.  Not today, and not this weekend, but someday.  I don't know what on earth I will write about, but possibly some fabulous adventure or heart warming story about a little girl and her beloved nanny.  :)  Whether that ends up being my topic or not, I'm sure it would be a book for children...probably older children (like 4th grade for the nanny thing).  Otherwise, I'd like to write a book for middle school/junior high kids.  They deal with so much at one time and their future lies in the hands of a million things that are out of their control.  I would like to write a book for them, to them, that addresses their issues and offers hope.  But, I don't want to just offer fictional hope found in so many other books....but real hope.  I don't know why this is on my mind, but it is.

3. I spent too much time at the bookstore today.  Apparently, spring is the time to shop for a new story to read!  The last couple times I went book shopping, I left the store empty handed and disappointed.  Nothing sounded even remotely worth my time and I had a lot more time then than I do these days!  Today, I had five books in hand and was still looking when I just stopped in my tracks, put the books down on a table next to me, and walked out the door.  Normally, I would have purchased every single one of them.  But today, today I did not.  I refused to be overwhelmed or overcome and just left.  On top of that, college may or may not be forcing me to be smarter with my money.  Why buy a book full price at the book store when I can drive home and order it on Amazon, new even, for a lot less including shipping?  Ugh.  I sound those people who are smart with money that always sound so boring.  I guess it's part of growing up, a part I don't like....but want so badly!  I was never taught how to manage money and teaching myself is not very fun.

4. I have a paper to write.  It was due last Friday and I spent that day collecting two weeks worth of research in about three hours.  That night, I reviewed my materials and typed about half a paragraph...tonight, I'm picking up in that very spot and will probably go to bed with it still unfinished.  This week has been another long week of little sleep and I'm drained by the time I sit down to study.  Boo.

5. I have a lot of fun things planned for the next bazillion Saturdays!  I'm ready for travel, and warm weather and flowers, and sunshine, and open-toed shoes!

What are you looking forward to?  If you wrote a book yourself (regardless of your writing skills or measure of love for books) what would you write about?

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