Thursday, April 21, 2011

ch ch ch chaaangess....

Couch hours logged so far.... 2 hours, almost halfway to my goal for the weekend!  See...I don't *always* procrastinate. ;)

Paint progress: a square of white primer is on the wall awaiting a sample blue square after I pick up that sample tomorrow.  I realized this afternoon that I may need several coats of primer to cover up the stripes on the bottom half of my walls.  Boo!  I think I can still do the whole room this weekend...but we will see.

Today I heard something from a friend that created one of those moments when you feel like everything freezes for a moment and you realize something; Life is real and things change.

Sometimes I find myself in a rut with the way things are and forget that they change all the time!  On the flip side, I sometimes find myself enthralled in the way things are and am shaken when they change.  Notice that in both scenarios I'm surprised by the change?  I shouldn't be.

If life and its circumstances didn't change...we wouldn't either...which means we wouldn't grow.

I'm learning to embrace change and "just go with it" when life throws me curve balls.  It's been a great motto for me (especially for school!) and I have found it extremely helpful in dealing with the unexpected.

I know its uncharacteristic of me, but on that last note...I'm closing up shop for the night.  8 hours of sleep in two days leaves a girl a little low on energy and creativity.  

How do you deal with change?


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