Nothing even remotely interesting comes to mind right now. Last night I forced myself to sit at this computer and do my entire unit of Math homework in one sitting with very few breaks, only getting up when absolutely necessary (tip: with this rule in place, one must be equipped with plenty of fluids for drinking....)
About six hours after I started this horror of an evening, I vowed to myself that I would not put off another homework assignment as long as I have these darn math problems. I made it to bed at 3:30 this morning, finally....only to have hubby's alarm wake me up at 4 and then my own at 5:25. That's not the sad part. My homeowork consisted of factoring and multiplying (yes, I really am in college....I'm learning how to teach these concepts...). My brain was still so wired for Math that I couldn't comprehend the time on my phone. "5:25....what are the factors of 525? I don't remember how to do that!" "I can't get up until I figure this out...but what if I fall back asleep and miss work?"
These are the ridiculous thoughts that went through my mind this morning as I tried to convince myself to just get out of bed. I truly thought that I had to do some kind of twisted math problem to be able to get up. Apparently, I was still half asleep!
That being said, it's 8:34 and I'm done for the night. I have a fairly easy day to endure tomorrow and then I'm off until Monday! I'll have B, my boss' dog this weekend, so surely it will be eventful! Between the two shih tzus running around and my painting and my to do list, I don't foresee a dull moment in my near future!
To do this weekend:
Paint the baby room (aka, remove the "baby" room and create a sewing room!)
Work on decorations for new sewing room (frames and curtains)
Connect with long lost friends
Quality time with the Hubbo!
Take a bubble bath (30 minute minimum)
Log no less than 5 hours on the couch
Possibly work on hubby's quilt (from the couch?)
Come on weekend!!!!
What are your plans this weekend?
What is your favorite part of a holiday weekend?
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