Sunday, April 10, 2011

made a list...checked it (5 times)

So I took Saturday off, too. Whoops. Here's what you missed:

*Came home with the boss' dog because the fam went out of town for a volleyball tournament.

*Watched the two furry kids run around like crazies.

*Realized I double booked myself with a doctor's appointment and a much needed lady date. Doctor visit averted (until Tuesday), lady date accomplished. It was short and sweet. Two friends, Me, Starbucks and about 35 minutes. Just enough time to catch up on our latest life scenario and unwind from the week.

*Met the hubby for dinner after he spent the evening at church setting up for a conference to be hosted there Saturday.

*Came home and crashed on the couch watching puppies go crazy. They love playing together and tumble through the house chasing, nipping, rolling, and (insert puppy verb here).


*Spent the entire day hosting clients, diverting baby tears, making silly faces and cleaning up chick poo....oh and doggie poo. The doggie poo part was unplanned. But, (remember the chick sessions) my friends studio is behind her house. And almost every time I (or we) went into the house for any reason between photo shoots, we found a mess from my friends pup. Her dog likes to make potty messes when she is mad at her people. Saturday, she was mad because her people were gone or busy out of the house and she was not. So...she peed. Like 5 times. Oh, and the poo. Of course there was poo, because she was extra upset that her kid people were home, but playing outside, without her. At least, I guess that's why....needless to say, after the 8-5 chaos, I was pooped out by the time I made it home! Literally!

*Corralled my puppy and the boss' puppy for a walk through the neighborhood while waiting for hubby to call with a status update (conference, remember).

*Walked a mile before making plans for the evening.

*Dinner with hubb-o and friends (men met wives straight from the conference). Oddly enough, Saturday's dinner ended up being the same place at Friday night's dinner...well, same restaurant, different location...but still. Not something I would do again on purpose! Best Mexican food in the area, but going out to dinner twice in one weekend calls for two separate yummy choices!

*Home to crash on the couch while pups play and run out the rest of their energy. Attempted DVR (to make up for Friday's missed "Fannie on the Couch" night) and hubby fell asleep. Whoops.


Today I slept in! Whoooo!- hoooo! Remember all that sleep I've been losing? I found it today. :) After getting out of bed, I was able to catch up on housework (scary....) and prep dinner for tonight. I took the extra puppy home and came back to cook and share a dinner at the kitchen table with hubby to kick off a good week! Now, I'm blogging and next will be homework. Then, hopefully, maybe, some TV time with the Mister before heading to bed? I'm not putting too much of my money on that last one.

Remember that fitness list I made last Sunday? That's the one I checked 5 times! Here's what it looks like after 7 days:

                                              * 20 minute walk with puppy
                                              * 20 minute walk with or without puppy
                                              * 100 sit-ups
                                              * weights for 10 minutes 

                                              * eat four one salad(s)
                                              * drink four bottles of water, or 80 oz.

The walks were easy since the weather was nice and warm most of the week! I have to say, I saved all the sit ups for today (because I forgot about them) and missed a salad because it just didn't sound good. However, I did pass up an opportunity to try Chinese food that I hear amazing things about, in order to fit in a salad to mark off the list! Weights were skipped because it just never sounded appealing, maybe another time! The water was as easy as the walking, considering the walking required the water! I'm sure I went over my 80oz. for the week, but stopped counting when I reached my goal. Since I didn't reach it until last night, though, I think it's safe to say I need more water in my diet! Water was about the only thing I did drink, so I need more liquids. Period. Good to know...

Having a fitness list worked out well for the week. So, I'm making another one, but I'mma switch it up a little.  Here we go:

                                              *Drink 100 ounces of water                                             

                                              *Walk 6 miles or 60 minutes
                                              *100 sit-ups
                                              *Eat fruit or veggies for/with 6 meals
                                              *Run 1 mile (this requires my new workout attire....)

Here's to a fit, productive fourth week of Spring!

What did you do this weekend to unwind?
What's on your agenda for the coming week?

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