Lately, in my children's literature class, we've been reading a book a week. After each book, we have a quiz and then talk about the book for the rest of class period and usually into the next class period. I'm not learning a whole lot in this class and the books (so far) have been so-so for me. Surely, part of the reasoning is that the books we are reading were, well, written for children. But, I had a lot of fun exploring new books for childhood development and early learning. Now that we're in the middle school group of fictional books...I'm not so amused. It's time consuming, and a lot to read (300 pages) when there are 4 other classes to study for, a house to tend to, and a hubby to find time for. It's also a lot to endure when, like I said, you're just not that interested or learning much.
That being said, I haven't finished the last two books we have been tested over. Last week I decided to see how far it would get me. I read 1/3 of the book and missed only a few questions on my test, but answered all the extra credit correctly which accounted for missed answers. Final score: A. This week, I didn't freak out about finishing the book and learned today about a website that would summarize the whole thing for me. I wouldn't mind reading the book if I had more time, the story this week is actually more interesting than I expected. HOW ever, I am a sloooow reader so the idea of finishing this book so soon just stresses me out. Also, I love to read. My natural thought process is to put off reading a book until "everything else" is done. That way, I can enjoy the story and not have a running to do list in the background. Switching that mindset to read something at every possible minute isn't exactly easy. And finally, getting to read again, but not the book I want....also not appealing.
So, like I said, I've caught up on my latest read via officially visiting my first "make college a little more bearable" website. Oh well. It's not the end of the world...and it's not like I don't know how HOW to read or that I can't think for myself in discussing the happenings of the story.
On another note, I skipped through the book in order to study for an Art test. Off I go...into the dark dark world of studying until I can't keep my eyes open, going to bed far too late and waking up only to realize I fell asleep only few hours before and have the entire day ahead of me. Not that I've experienced that at all....I'm just guessing.
What is your favorite thing to do in your "spare" time?
Do you have a favorite book? What is it and why?
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