Friday, April 1, 2011

Today I bought a new outfit to work out in.  What's funny about this is that I only work out about two weeks a year.  When spring rolls around, I get excited about the warm weather that's coming, buy something cute to work out in and vow to start getting fit.  Regardless of the fact that I barely meet the requirements of a healthy BMI, I'm ridiculously out of shape for a young "skinny" girl.  I can't climb up the stairs at school without making "granny's gonna kick it" noises by the time I'm at the top.  Surely, my fellow climbers are wondering what the heck is wrong with me.  

Today's outfit consisted of some really cute shorts and a new top.  They don't "match", but I'm trying to branch out a little.  Note: I am always, always color coordinated head to toe.  That doesn't mean I'm monochromatic....but I am coordinated.  This new outfit is helping me get out of my comfort zone...and hopefully hitting the pavement!

I skipped the jacket because it's $100.  Maybe once I'm actually working out, I can reward myself with it! ;)

Usually, I make it about two weeks into something consistent, but then I'm back to my sedentary lifestyle. What happened to 14 days to form a habit?!  Whether the culprit is rain, cold, or being just plain always hits me.  I'd like to think that I can overcome this, I just don't  know how to do it.

For the last year (remember...since May '10), I have been making huge changes in my life, to make a healthier me.  Soul searching, improving relationships, being cautious of new relationships, removing toxic relationships, managing my emotions and changing my eating habits are all changes I've made lately in addition to expanding my mind and finally giving myself the education I've always dreamed of.  While I still have a long way to go, I can stand tall and know that I'm not who I was when I woke up on May 15, 2010.  I'm somebody new and from that day forward, vow to be someone new every May 15.  I want to always grow, always learn and always invest in a life worth living.

With my birthday just around the corner, I'm working on new goals for myself.  Here's what I have so far:

-decide on a transfer school and line things up by December
-develop a workout
- Start prepping my body for turning 30 (part A-stop tanning!)

on transferring: this is already underway, I just need to line up a few phone calls.  Once that's done, it's time for campus visits and arranging details.  I've picked a favorite school, so here's to hoping it all lines up!

on the workout: Top stipulation, one that is consistent indoors and out, rain-proof, snow-proof, school schedule-proof, and holy toledo, Batman it's HOT outside-proof.  Even if I drive 15 minutes to the gym so I can run on the treadmill for 20, I'll develop something!

on the body turning 30: I know it's a few years away still, but taking care of my body is not something that has been a top priority for me.  Last year I gave up fast food.  This year, I hope to not only develop that workout routine, but combine it with my new eating habits and "reduce stress" ideas to obtain an overall healthy lifestyle.  I not only desire a healthy lifestyle, but a practical one as well.

So, because it's Spring and the "get my butt in gear for Summer" vibe has officially struck me, it's time to start planning.  I have my new outfit....time to get a new routine.  Step 1: Take a 20 minute walk this weekend.  Wish me luck!

Do you have a daily (or weekly) workout routine?  What does it consist of?  What are your own personal goals?

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