Today was awfully cold and rainy considering it's mid-April! I hear there is SNOW in the forecast for Easter weekend. Boo. Not a happy day for this girl. I'm worried that my birthday is only a month away (less, actually!) and I've seen little warmth and sunshine since OCTOBER! Yikes!
Despite the yucky weather (and the fact that I was completely drenched after walking to class....with an umbrella...), my day was great overall. I froze most of the day because I was, well...drenched after walking to class...(jeans and rain....bad combination!) and wasn't willing to spend $30 on a pair of community college fleece sweatpants (in a size XL) at the school bookstore.
Since I was falling asleep (literally) in my second class, I decided to play hookie (which I actually debated during my entire drive to school) and skipped class #3 (Health....blah..). I spent the next two hours snuggling on my friends' couch wrapped in a blanket....with my socks on the heat register! We had lunch and watched amazingly old music videos on you tube. Boring? Nah...not when you can't remember the last time you actually parked your fannie on the couch in the MIDDLE OF THE DAY! I would have watched my grandma pick her nose hairs today if if meant I could stay on that couch and be relaxed for 2 hours! (Don't ask where that just came from....)
After my veg-out with the girls, I headed to work and took E to a birthday party. We ran in the rain downtown until we made it to the house that was only identified as the party about six little girls running to the front door with gifts in hand while moms totted along behind....under the umbrella. Who cares about rain when your 7?! Well, E does, I guess. She was so very careful about keeping the present under our (tiny) umbrella that I'm pretty sure she was just as uncovered as I was. But Birthday Girl's present and home made card were perfectly dry and beautiful as ever. E is enough like myself in some ways that I wouldn't be surprised to find some rare distant relation between the two of us back in our family trees.
Dropping E off at a birthday party meant one thing for me....HOME EARLY! Whoo! After much debate (remember....ridiculous down pour), I headed home after making a pit stop at Home Depot for paint. Yay for paint! Remember that sewing room on my list?! It's getting painted THIS WEEKEND! Much to my surpise, I walked out with about 30 paint swatches (no, that's not the surprising part) and chose my absolutely perfect shade of blue within an hour of getting home (THAT'S the surprising part....decision making isn't my best ability....) The color of my perfect blue hue will remain unnamed until it's on the wall. But, once it's and details will be up!
After choosing my paint and eating dinner (sadly that consisted of Ramen noodles...which is only sad because it meant hubby was left to fend for himself...a night with Ramen is rarely a sad night for the one enjoying them!), I made it to the office. My daily chit chat with the bestie in Colorado was the perfect intro to homework. Though I never want to hang up with her, I have to. Otherwise, every night would be a grown up version of those elementary slumber parties that took me home Saturday morning with purple eyes and a mushy brain from staying up all grown up version I mean we'd be camped out on the phone because of the distance. And only because of distance. Otherwise we'd be camped out on the same couch!
While its always my intention to do homework immediately after hanging up with M....that just isn't always the case. Right now it is 9pm and I have done every bit of opening my online Math Lab and logging in. I have about 100 questions to answer that all have to be completed by class time tomorrow, which pretty much means before I go to bed since I start my day at 5 and have no time to even think about my computer before class at 9 am.
In the midst of my (ever so unsurprising) procrastination, I stumbled upon a handful of recipes I would like to try (or make again) and thought I would post one I made the other day!
The girls had an early out at school, so we spent our extra time in the kitchen making soft pretzels and cheese sauce! Most soft pretzel recipes guide you through an entire afternoon of baking (hello....who has 5 hours to watch dough rise in a bowl?!) But Rachael Ray won't have any of that! Her "30" minute recipe took us about 45 minutes and that was with the cheese sauce we borrowed from somewhereelseican'tremember. ;)
These things were deliSH! I'm tempted to make them again Friday with a friend who I have coming over for lunch. I'm not sure how patient her 1 year old would be....but who doesn't like playing with dough and flour? Maybe she can help!
Alright here it is:
Giant Bavarian Pretzels Recipe
Cheese Sauce (from a recipe for all-afternoon pretzels)
Happy Baking!
What did you do today?
What is your worst habbit?! (Surely I'm not alone at this procrastination station)
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