Tuesday, April 12, 2011

team work!

As I'm typing this, the hubby is working on my Comp 2 paper.  Okay, okay...before you freak out about me cheating twice in a row, let me explain myself.  First off, I know how to write well.  Without trying too hard, I compose a paper, maaaybe edit (if it's not midnight yet) and submit.  The outcome, nine times out of ten, is a 95% or higher.  So, it's not like I'm having him do my writing, which is the basis of the class.  What he's helping me with is creating a graph (yuck...that's math stuff, why is this required for Comp class again??)  I've compiled my research, logged my data into excel, and typed my paper (minus that darn works cited page, ugh...).  Hubby is working away on making all that compiled data (which consists of types of medications advertised in magazines geared at different audiences, and the categories those medications fall into....sorry if that was a little too boring) into a pretty little graph that I can put somewhere on my report.  I'm excited to see what he comes up with considering he does this kind of stuff almost everyday at work (he's an enginerd....love you, baby!)

I have to confess something else (while I'm on the topic of spilling my guts)...fitness goals this week, so far, are an epic {FAIL}. (wha wha whaaa: insert game-show downer sound effect here).  I haven't walked anywhere other than class, am still working on my first glass of water for the week, haven't touched the lettuce in the fridge and actually ate out for lunch twice this week (and I'm already broke this week due to other circumstances, so any hopes at financial health are shot, too...until next week of course).  That being said...I'M CAUGHT UP ON HOOOOOMMMMMEEEEWOORRRRKKKK!  <----oBnoXiOus?  Absolutely. Exciting?  YOU BET!

Pending paper (the one hubby is working on) was due two weeks ago.  Lucky for me, teach doesn't take off points for late papers in this class.  Woo!  After this paper, I have a reading assignment (for the same class) to prepare for discussion tomorrow (but I probably won't read it because I never do and make it through discussion just fine) and then I'm done with all that's required for tomorrow.  I'll have about three or four assignments due between tomorrow and Friday and then...I'M OUTTA HERE!

Grandpa (hubby's, that is) turns 80 this month and we're hittin' the road for a big fat surprise birthday party with the fam!  Yay for birthdays!  Yay for grandpas!  Yay for beating procrastination in the...um..hiney!  And YAY for "Fannie-on-the-Couch" night happening early!   Wait.  What?  That's right....this fannie is headed to the couch in {t-minus} 20 minutes!  It's gonna be a short popcorn date (more on that idea later), but it's better than none at all!  I MISS MY HUBBO!  This office looks pretty fantastic (if I do say so, myself) after the redecorating, but it's not fun to be in here all night every night for weeks on end.  { boo }

Okay.  I'm done being annoying with my words and punctuation and excitement and completely improper grammar and writing skillz.  Really, now I'm done.

Happy Tuesday!

Are you excited about anything today?
What are your plans for the weekend? (tomorrow's hump day...we're almost halfway to Friday!!)

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